Monday, March 30, 2009

Rocketry? gay.

the phallic motherfuckers aren't gay because of their shape. the rocket, like the penis, is a symbol of power. the cold war space race had nothing to do with exploration beyond our planet, but was simply a big dick contest of who had the rocket that could take them the farthest. rocketry is flat out frightening. mankind's invention of the rocket was the first step of its suicide. kim jong ill or whatever his name is, this guy is known for sitting in a hottub with swedish supermodels, chugging jack daniels, and watching south park, all while he lords over as dictator of a possible nuclear power. it is a goddamn miracle that the national moron george bush didn't drop a nuke during that incomprehensible presidency. pakistan and india must be upset over some cricket game because rocket talk is all the rage there. if i was surrounded by the women they have there i would be too concerned about my own rocket to think about bombing anything. israel and pakistan, what a goddamn mess. of course, it is a mess we caused, and how many deaths has that brought? palestine, i feel ya, but goddammit suicide bombing is not the way to win the sympathy of the world. i wouldn't want a stranger sleeping in my bedroom either. since hiroshima only one force has come close to the destructive powers of the rocket... global warming. we champion albert einstein and werner von braun, who were incredibly smart men, but their genius bred the destruction of the human race. einstein died knowing that he exceeded hitler in the evil he brought to mankind. john d. rockefeller and george hearst never realized the destruction they were bringing to the planet. rockets are the dicks of nations which are used to fuck smaller nations in the ass and do their will. see: cold war, iran conflict, gulf war, regime change in chile/mexico/venezuela/ecuador/panama/attempt in cuba/fiji/myanmar/iraq/argentina/afghanistan/nicaragua... and that is only the USA.

i think it is best to use a foreign example to demonstrate what einstein realized yet never elicited. the chinese invasion of tibet. tibet, a religious country, practices nonviolence. as china invaded, tibet refused to use violence and wrote to several powerful countries throughout the rest of the globe to simply request that these powerful countries recognize them as a sovereign nation. the united states, england, france, india, the ussr all refused to respond to tibet's simple request. china invaded with military force, and still rule the tibetan region today. why? because china has a shit-ton of rockets and nobody cared enough about tibet to go toe to toe with china. in my opinion, and i think einstein would agree, tibet took the higher road in their approach to external aggression. but china had the rocket, the guns, the will to murder. china had the bigger dick and felt entitled.

what good has the rocket done for us? it's arguable it ended WWII. yet it also caused the destruction of so many people, cities, history. it got us to the moon but what does that mean? the rocket gave us satellites, the hubble, satellite t.v., cell phone shit whatever is orbiting around our planet. i could walk outside right now to smoke a cigarette and die from a rocket before i ever even heard it screaming across the sky.

i doubt that rocketry is used to measure the "advancement" of a civilazation as it was in the late 50's and 60's, but nuclear power is still a big dick measure amongst the world. everyone wants it and those who have it want to deny it to everyone else, as well as limit it to those who already have it. what saddens me is that there is a higher answer, something above violence. i believe that the world can overcome rockets. but at the same time i think maybe it is a pipe dream because we refuse to do what is necessary to keep from destroying the world (go green). it is a perfect parallel, the v-2 hit unawares even though you know of its existence and that germany is launching it on london. the v-2 rocket is the foreshadowing of mans destruction. there will be no one to account for our destruction because we have chosen to remain ignorant and will never recognize the signs of our destruction, even as they scream across the sky.

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